Falling Asleep, Quick Self-Care Through Your Acupressure Points

In Japan, it is generally believed that if you feel pain when you press on the sole of your foot, you might have some sort of ailment. The soles of the feet are also known as the “second heart” and have about 60-70 reflex points or acupuncture points. Massaging the pressure points or pressing them to stimulate the painful areas can improve blood circulation, increase natural healing power, and relieve discomfort.
You may also like to read hand acupressure points.
An Easy Head & Feet Massage Requiring Little Time & Effort

Hyakue (百会)
Uses: Stimulation helps promote blood circulation of the scalp which in turn relieves neck and shoulder pain. As the scalp is connected to the face, It helps tighten facial skin.
Location: The intersection of the line connecting the tips of the ears and the line straight up from the middle of the eyebrows.

Ashisanri (足三里)
Uses: Helps with gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting; foot problems like numbness in the feet; knee pain; and toothaches and dental abscesses.
Location: On the side of the outer knee, and four fingers down from the hollow area below the knee. Bend your knees lightly, place your thumbs on the points, and hold your other fingers on the calves, pressing and rubbing slightly harder.
Yūsen (湧泉)
Uses: Energy of the body gushes out.
Location: A place where the five toes are bent towards the sole of the foot and cause indentation. Support your foot with both hands, place your thumbs on top of each other, and then press and rub.
Daiton (大敦)
Uses: Increases liver function. Helps with hangovers and irritability. It also reduces the risk of hangovers.
Location: In between the large toe and the second toe of the foot.
Use these massage techniques for about 10 minutes continuously every day. You will feel improvements gradually, and your body will heal over time.
Me Time Japan is written and produced for informational and inspirational purposes only. While we do our best to provide wellness/nutritional information as a general guideline to our readers, we are not certified practitioners/nutritionists, and the values provided should be considered estimates.